Offline Checkout (POS)


  1. Provider calls InsertCart (specifies ConfirmationCode and CustomerId)
  2. Customer confirms cart *
  3. Provider confirms cart **
    • If ConfirmationType = Automatic => Cart is confirmed automatically on server and provider just calls CheckCart periodically to check status of cart
    • If ConfirmationType = Manual => Provider calls ConfirmCart
    • If ConfirmationType = ServerCallback => Provider gets callback from server when cart is confirmed

* Customer can confirm cart in 3 ways (CustomerId param on InsertCart):

  • If provider entered GSM as CustomerId
    • Customer gets push notification where he can accept/reject payment request (if customer doesn’t have Netgiro mobile app he gets SMS to install it)
  • If provider entered SSN as CustomerId
    • Customer gets SMS with payment code (customer reads it from SMS message) and provider enters payment code into POS and calls ConfirmCart
  • If provider entered AppCode (customer reads it from mobile app) as CustomerId
    • Provider calls ConfirmCart

** Provider can confirm cart in 3 ways (ConfirmationType param on InsertCart):

  • If provider specified ServerCallback as ConfirmationType (CallbackUrl has to be specified)
    • Provider gets callback from server that payment is created
    • Provider doesn’t need to confirm cart, just calls CheckCart periodically and checks if payment is created (or canceled if customer rejected)
  • If provider specified Automatic as ConfirmationType
    • Provider gets callback from server that payment is created
    • Server automatically creates payment after customer confirmation
    • Provider doesn’t need to confirm cart, just calls CheckCart periodically and checks if payment is created (or canceled if customer rejected)
  • If provider specified Manual as ConfirmationType
    • Server creates reservation after customer confirmation
    • Provider calls CheckCart periodically and checks if reservation is created (or canceled if customer rejected)
    • When CheckCart returns that reservation is created, provider needs to call ConfirmCart to create payment

Process flow

AppCode confirmation


SSN confirmation


GSM confirmation


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